Little things count when it comes to selling your home. Here are some tried and trusted tips to help present your property at its very best....

1. De-Clutter

We may aspire to having a show-room style home, the reality is most of us do have clutter lying about. Make sure this is tidied away before you start showing people round.

2. Lighten Up

It’s amazing how important good lighting is to the feel and atmosphere of a room. Make sure the windows are clean to let in as much light as possible and if you don’t have lots of natural light, then use well-placed lamps to make the room warm and inviting.

3. Heaven Scents

A classic way to increase your home’s attractiveness is to have wonderful aromas greeting your visitors as they look around. Traditional welcoming smells include coffee and baking bread.

4. Do Your Homework

Have an understanding of who it is who is likely to buy your home – is it suitable for a family, city professionals, retired couple, first time buyers? – then dress it up accordingly.

5. The Price is Right

Today’s buyers have much more information at their fingertips, so be realistic when you set your price. With so much advice and research on pricing available on the internet, it pays to be realistic about what your home is really worth.

6. Be Prepared

The introduction of the Home Information Packs (HIPs) next year will be a major step forward in speeding up the home-buying process up. Also, appoint a solicitor – preferably a local one who will know about issues such as listed buildings and planning regulations in your area - prior to putting your home on the market, so you’re ready to swing into action.

7. Natural Calico is the new Magnolia!

If you’re thinking of freshening up the decorating before your sell, then bear in mind that while it’s good to smarten things up, don’t do anything too drastic – it may just be a waste of time and effort. People like to put their own stamp on a property, so keep colours as neutral as possible.

And finally – always remember that when it comes to selling your home, first impressions do count. Most buyers decide whether to buy within 30 seconds of walking through your front door.

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